How Important Is Aesthetics In Commercial Gaming Sites?

1 Jan 2022 Blog

Anyone who has grown up with the internet and modern-day video games would find it hard to imagine the visuals that gamers were subjected to a few decades ago.

Looking at the history of computer graphics, the steady progression from monochrome games with simple pixel images to the lifelike rendered 3D visuals of today’s titles is fascinating.

Back in 1961, a small group of MIT students wanted to show off the power of the DEC PDP-1 computer. They realized something graphical would make a stronger presentation. A game seemed the obvious choice, and Spacewar! was born. Two years later, the first computer-aided design program was developed, also at MIT.

Since then, advances in processor power and teams of talented artists have helped to create games that push the limits of what is possible. This focus on strong visuals has also transferred to the internet and mobile games. Gaming website operators are fully aware of the importance of aesthetics to their users too.

Why are aesthetics important to gaming websites?

The term computer graphics didn’t come into existence until 1960, but just one year later, those MIT students had already discovered the impact a few pixel-formed images could have on an audience.

Visiting an online kaszinó will result in an array of games being displayed from blackjack to themed slots and poker tournaments. These games need to be visually appealing to draw players in. Yet there is more to the aesthetics of a gaming site than just the visual appeal.

The way the games are laid out, the quality of the graphics, and the time taken to load the site, are all critical elements. Below are some of the important aspects of gaming sites’ visual appearance, and why it is so crucial.

The overall user experience

Google understands the importance of UX when it comes to websites. So much so, that they introduced metrics to determine how good the user experience was for visitors to websites.

One of the metrics concerns the LCP or largest contentful paint. This refers to how long it takes to load the largest image (or text area) on the screen. The gaming site may have beautiful graphics, but if they aren’t optimized then the visitor may bounce.

The very first online casino licenses were handed out in 1994 in Antigua & Barbuda. A year later, the first online casino appeared. Back then graphics may not have mattered too much as there was little or no competition. Now aesthetics are vitally important, but so too is the loading time.

Aesthetically pleasing gaming sites create trust

Graphics aren’t just used to create appeal, they can also help to develop trust. A gaming site has one main purpose, and that is to make money. If quality graphic design is used then the visitor is more likely to feel that they are at a professional and trustworthy gaming site. Therefore, they will be more likely to deposit funds into the site.

One of the biggest questions asked by people considering gaming is, are online casinos fair and scam free? Cheap-looking visuals, and poorly designed games, will turn players off quickly. Modern online casinos are also understanding the value of mixing graphics with live video now and incorporating real dealers into the gameplay.

Graphics can create the illusion of winning

Two important areas for slots, whether they are online or in a brick-and-mortar gaming establishment are sight and sound. Slot machines flash, they play tunes, they make sounds to enhance different interactions, and they can have visual effects to fool the player.

Studies have shown that even when a player is losing, they can be convinced that everything is going well. This is done through areas of the slot machine flashing at certain moments. This simple visual trick can promote positive feelings in the player, even when things aren’t going well.

Strong visuals can create an immersive experience

Typically, a gaming site will feature 2D or pseudo-3D games. These range from roulette, card games, and slots, to more complex virtual games. Graphics can help to create a more immersive experience, which is why casinos are exploring VR more.

Gaming sites are available on mobile devices and PCs all over the world, but in recent times developers have been exploring the use of VR headsets too.

A virtual casino would allow the player to be fully immersed in a gaming room, and to be able to walk about and play at the different machines and tables. These casinos would be fully rendered in 3D, and be interactive.

Good layouts increase the ease of use

Aesthetics refers to areas of beauty, and appealing graphics certainly bolster these sites. But how all the elements are presented is also important.

Clear and practical design is needed for gaming sites so that the player doesn’t become confused or frustrated. The aim is to keep the visitor playing for as long as possible, and confusing layouts and unclear interfaces will lead to them bouncing.

Color plays a big part too in gaming sites

There is a tendency to picture casinos as bright and gaudy, and there is some truth in that. Traditional casinos tend to have muddled and colorful carpets along with bright lights, and flashing game machines everywhere. Online there is a need to be a little more restrained.

However, bright colors on a gaming site may have the opposite effect than in a brick-and-mortar establishment. There is a need for toning down the colors to stop the risk of eye strain which could lead to a visitor stopping play early. Well-thought-out color schemes can make the site more comfortable for longer play.

Popping visuals have their place, but contrast is needed to make certain areas of the screen stand out. Information such as the player’s balance needs to be in plain sight and very clear.


Many gaming sites choose a flat-pack construction method and buy in a suite of games. This is one of the simpler and quicker ways to create a casino website.

However, care is still needed to create an aesthetically appealing, and responsive website. Colors, slow loading times, tacky graphics, and muddled layouts, can turn a player off, and even create mistrust. After all, if poorly optimized tacky-looking graphics cause the site to lag and perform poorly, would you trust it with your money?

