Instagram Advertising
Creativity above all else will catapult you into success. There are millions of Instagram accounts so it is vital to stand out from the crowd. McDonald’s is a great example of clever tinkering. The fa...
The Evolving Role of Social Media in Ecommerce
The Growth Of The E-commerce Industry As A Result Of Social Media With the growth of social media, the connectivity and communication that we experience have improved on a significant level. Social m...
Website Design & Development Strategy
Imagine web design as a human body. First, there are the bones, which represent the code – this gives it structure. Next the organs, which represent UX design, to ensure everything functions inside. F...
Why Should You Double-Check Your ISBN?
Are you trying to buy or rent a textbook for a college course? Maybe you want to sell a textbook you’ve finished using to get some spending money or money for other school supplies. In any of those sc...
Why Are The Blockchain Disruptions In The Financial Industry Good For Business?
Since the inception of the blockchain technology in 2009, many experts have predicted major disruptions in the financial industry. This is because the working of this technology, whereby an open and d...
Importance of Link Building for Effective SEO
Google's algorithms are complex and always evolving, but backlinks remain an important factor in how every search engine determines which sites rank for which keywords. The number of quality backlinks...
Google Insists On Having Secure Sites
If you do not have a ‘Secure’ server, Google will flag your site with a ‘Not Secure’ warning sign! It is therefore mandatory to ensure that you install a Secure Certificate and your site has an https:...
How AI is revolutionizing e-commerce
Let us start from the very beginning. Artificial Intelligence has evolved over a period of time. In the 1950’s AI started off as a program that could sense, reason, act and adapt. In the 1980’s,...
Artificial Intelligence in the Automobile Industry
Artificial intelligence promises to revolutionize the automotive industry. Here we are not even talking about the impact AI is having on autonomous driving, connectivity, electrification, and shared m...
Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate Industry
Artificial Intelligence is about to hit the real estate industry, hard. It will be almost a knock out blow! Either you embrace it or it will get you. The real question is whether you're going to be...
Blizzard Mass Bans Players Exploiting Layering In Classic WoW
Blizzard's ban hammer is in full swing at the moment as they ban players exploiting the in-game layering mechanic. Layering is when 'mini-servers' or layers, are created within a server. For example,...
UAE retailers will increasingly use AI and VR technology to enhance retail store experience,
Almost half of UAE CEOs in the retail industry intend to start using artificial intelligence (AI) in the next two years, as they are increasingly influenced by technology to enhance the retail store e...
Promoting Your E-Commerce Web Site In Middle East
Once you have launched your e-commerce web site, the challenge is to drive traffic from your intended audience. Other than running campaigns on Google Adwords and Facebook, you have the following opti...
The Robots may be Watching you – But they’re Sometimes on your Side
Historically, remote tracking software such as RTUs and surveillance technology have been viewed with scepticism by the masses. This is embodied by the controversy that surrounds extensive CCTV ne...
Confused between buying a used sedan and used SUV? Know these tips:
We all have our type, even when it comes to cars. While there are umpteen numbers of models being launched by several car companies on a continuous basis, the basics remain the same. Unless you are an...