Email Outreach – Step By Step

16 Jan 2021 Uncategorized

If you are thinking about setting up an email outreach campaign, it is important to ensure you get it right the first time. Whether you want to increase backlinks to your website or close sales deals, a great outreach strategy is essential to your email outreach campaign success.

There are more than 300 billion emails sent and received every day. A successful email outreach strategy is the only way to ensure your email cuts through the noise and is noticed, opened, read and replied.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create the best email outreach campaign

Do your research

Before you set out to start an email outreach campaign, it is important to conduct thorough research. This makes it possible for you to tailor your efforts to meet the expectations of the recipient. When you research, you improve your open rate and understand your audience better, which helps to stay ahead of your competition.

Hook your audience with the first line

Every day, email users receive tons of emails from marketing companies and brands. The average human attention span is 8 seconds, which is when you have to grasp their attention and make them want to read more. Your subject line is your gateway to the recipient’s mind. It needs to pique their curiosity to make them want to open the email.

According to research, at least 40% of people open emails depending on the subject line, while 69% report most emails as spam just basing their judgement on the subject line. An ideal strategy for subject lines is to congratulate the recipient on something noteworthy they achieved recently. This tactic is a great conversation starter as it focuses on building relationships than closing sales.

Personalize your emails

When setting up an email outreach, one of your goals should be to avoid sending spam emails. This includes deleting all words related to spam, exclamations points and false promises. Also, avoid sending a generic email to all your recipients.

People want to be seen, and you can make them feel visible through personalized emails. Personalized emails are great relationship builders, and they help to boost trust. One of the ways to know what your recipients want is to ask for suggestions.

You can also use personalized templates that are easy to customize for each recipient. Take the time to find contact details for the recipient to keep the emails as personalized as possible. In a personalized email, include the recipient’s name in the subject line and the email body.

65% of people respond to visual cues. Therefore, consider using images in your emails. Create a simple email signature with your logo. If you do not have a logo, you should look for good logo designer. If you have, just add your business logo design to the emails to increase brand visibility. The images you use should be relatable to the recipient to be able to grasp their attention.

Provide value

It is human nature to put one’s needs first. For this reason, the perfect way to grasp the attention of the recipient is to provide value to make a psychological connection with them. In email outreach, the norm of reciprocity is important. When you send out value, the recipient will feel the need to return the favor.

Another way of adding value to your emails is by appreciating the recipient. When you reach out and acknowledge the recipient’s expertise, you increase the chances of getting a response. For instance, you can invite a recipient to take part in a project with other experts. This makes them feel seen and encourages them to reply to your email and forge a relationship.

Remember to use humor

If your email outreach is boring, it is sent straight to spam. The best emails should speak to human emotion. Humor is a positive emotion that can be used to start or deepen a relationship. Therefore, never miss an opportunity to use humor in your emails.

An email that makes the recipient smile or laugh aloud will linger in their minds for longer and make them interested in your brand. You can use funny memes and witty wordplays, or even jokes to add humor to a pitch.

Make your emails easy to reply

On average, people spend at least 2.5 hours reading and replying to emails. To increase the chances of having your emails replies, you need to make the process as seamless as possible. Send out emails that require yes or no answers from the recipient. You can also use number lists for responses, making it easier for recipients to leave replies.

Regardless of your outreach purpose, a winning strategy is the best way to meet your goals. While there is no one size fit all approach, most of the tips in this article have been tested and prove to work by experts.


